Use of the words, I AM, has immense, transcendent influence.
“I” represents Alpha, or the Divine Father principle. “AM” represents Omega, or the Divine Mother personification. When you affirm the words, I AM, you instantly align yourself with Father-Mother God. You instantly bring yourself into alignment with your God flame.
By saying the words, “I AM”, you are announcing the presence of God within you. This is an alchemical moment! This is because, when these words are spoken, you are invoking a reality to match the energy you choose to insert after the words, I AM.
“I AM Divine Presence.” “I AM pure and radiant.” “I AM now manifesting my highest potential.” These are powerful statements of manifestation.
Use of the words, “I AM” becomes a serious practice of either greatly supporting or greatly sabotaging your spiritual path. Moreover, we can also create dissonant realities just through the use of our words. Sometimes it is out of bad habit. For example, have you ever claimed, “I AM so stressed.” “I AM sick and tired.” “I am broke.” Statements like these also set the wheels of manifestation into motion.
Use the alchemical power of I AM as part of your spiritual practice. Be extra vigilant though, and choose your words wisely.