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​This sharing addresses some very serious aspects of world outplay and how we, as lightworkers can and are assisting to insure humanity’s liberation. This is qualified by the knowing that we are already ascended in the light and free by the very nature of who we really are. We incarnated however, into a reality where the game of separation encodes a much different perception. We came to assist in the great mission to lead as many people as possible out of this great dilemma.


There seems to be a lot of confusion in our own grouping about the current outplay happening on world stage. This is very understandable. One of the big questions coming in relates to… how to hold the awareness and what is required of us now?

Through this sharing, I hope that  you will be even more inspired to serve, and also, will look at your service from a new lens. Without question, you are being called right now to step into a much bolder and more affirmative posture. Yes, we are moving into higher vibrations… and yes, we are to remain intimately connected to what’s reflecting in the outer world.

To qualify this… all that is happening on the outer world stage is one grand orchestration to assist in the mass awakening of humankind. Everything in the physical dimension is an appearance, an illusion being played out in a holographic reality. It’s a false reality because it is created by the belief in separation. This belief creates the game of duality.

This game, however, has brought us to a very critical moment. It’s a planetary tipping point to the likes that we have never experienced. The implications of what is currently playing out affects every man, woman and child on the planet, now and for generations to come. It’s definitely not a time to close the door and wait until it’s over, thinking that there nothing we can do. Our light work is extremely important and has moved into hyper-gear. It is all hands are on deck.

There are many elements coming together simultaneously creating a sort of ‘perfect storm’ of outplay. At this very moment, the matrix of the “mass consciousness”, is going through a crucible of purifying fire. This is creating a situation that is likened to separating the wheat from the chaff. Now, more than ever before, the lines of separation are being drawn. Does one exist for the power of love or the love of power? Does one operate from integrity or from manipulation? Does one selflessly express or selfishly maneuver?

The will of God is purifying all of us and in the end, it is the power of love that will prevail. It is through this love that the humble and the meek shall rise into great positions of leadership across all spectrum. Yet, not without a fight, and not without a complete societal breakdown. This is why we are to help as the ground crew and light brigade.

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