Lesson 12: Omnipresence, part 1


We are becoming increasingly aware of who we are as part of the greater mind that directs the entire evolutionary process for our planet. As we cultivate this knowing and bring our individual minds into closer contact with Divine Mind, we unfold greater ability to channel this intelligence.

This is authentic channeling from multidimensional intelligence and with abilities such as intuition and telepathic impression. Another way to emanate the light of universal love is through omnipresent awareness.

Today’s class will help you understand the intelligence of your electromagnetic human expression and your ability to be everywhere present.


Please watch the video of this class, located above.


From the course book, please read Chapter 15.


For the next two weeks, please listen to these recommended audios.

1. Audio: Born to be a Mystic 

2. Audio: Activating the Omnipresent Self


The purpose of this activation is to initiate absorption of your personality body as one with your Greater Self, as expressed through the human form.

The intention is upon a vibrational upgrade of your bio energy field. The higher heart will be activated to help loosen the personality’s hold on physical world attachments.

The bridge to your higher mind will be strengthened and balancing energy will be give to energy centers of the heart, throat and pineal gland gateway.

5. Extra Mini Class: Micro-Macro Awareness


A practice of voicing affirmations is a great way to re-program your thought structure and charge your entire energy field with positive intention. You can do this as a regular practice, as a way to feel empowered as one with your Greater Self. Keep affirming your multidimensional self every day as you step into this greater expression and ability.


* God’s omnipresence is my omnipresence. To be omnipresent is to step into the state of what already exists as another version of me.

* Everywhere there is conscious life, all made from the exact same core substance. All things in the universe are infinitely interconnected. No matter what form of energy is presenting itself, everything is representing the larger whole. 

* You are a unique spark of light that permanently resides within the vast body called God awareness, existence itself.

* My consciousness does not exist within my human body. My body exists within my vast awareness.

* There is nothing outside of me. All is within.

* In this phase of my evolutionary leap, my microcosmic human is going macro. I am making a grand return to my truer expression as a Greater Self.

* My Greater Self is omnipresent. It can be anywhere and everywhere at the same time.

* My expanded self is pure awareness. It is eternal, timeless, simultaneous, synchronistic and present.

* Everything comes from my consciousness. Everything is part of the one body of omnipresent awareness.

* Wherever I focus my love and commands for peace, there will be the omnipresent power of Spirit supporting my coherent endeavor. It is my individual presence unified with the energy of the enlightened group mind that is the influencing power.

* I breathe with God, feel with God, think with God and move within this omnipresent life force. I can project myself to go anywhere to do this.

* I have unlimited assistance due to the very fact that you are interlinked as part of a collective energetic frequency that is vibrating the patterns of unity and oneness.

* To quickly transform all unwanted potentials, I know that when invocation to God is called upon, this omnipresent power always prevails. It is always with me. It is part of me. It is who I am.

* Through this conviction, I can serve on the front lines with my energetic presence to help free conflicted life while directing the needed streams of influence to transmute the imperfections.

* I live in Oneness.

* I have an intimate relationship with my Creator and am in direct communication with my higher mind and heart intelligence.

* My personality body is mastered. I do not attach to or get pulled into the drama. I maintain personal power and do not allow external circumstances to negatively affect me.

* A refined and more soulful personality is assuming the dominant position in life and is charged with a great sense of purpose.

* I no longer place an emotional priority on my human identity. I recognize my body as a sacred temple that houses the omnipresence of my Creator.

* I have control over my mind and thought processes. I do not feel confused. Thought forms are clear and well defined. When undesirable thoughts come in, I recognize and remove them immediately.

* I am highly attuned and extra sensitive to a range of subtle vibratory influences due to my increasing polarization to the Greater Self.

* I absolutely know that my omnipresence is the same and is one with the omnipresence of universal intelligence. I really do feel the perfection of life.

* My aura is healthy and all layers are functioning from clearest efficiency.

* My human energy field is a clear conductor of divine intelligence.

* My transition into omnipresent awareness is an ever-expanding activity of evolutionary advancement. It starts to develop the very moment that I realize my unity with humankind.

* Development of omnipresent awareness is silent, steady and a very powerful integration set into motion through my one motivating impulse to serve humanity.