​Divine Will is the driving consciousness behind all creation. It is this instigative forcefield of guiding energy that works out the evolutionary plan. It penetrates through to the core of all things, guiding the evolution of the human intelligence.

The currents of Divine Will are responsible for the great spiritual awakening in our evolving world. It is invincibly strong, absolutely determined and highly empowering. Calling it into your life creates an enormous infusion of spiritual energy that awakens and illuminates the consciousness. It impassions the warrior within us and brings charging vitality to our lives.

In setting intentions for your spiritual path, a very powerful objective is to bring your personal free will into complete harmonic fusion with the greater will. This then becomes the pure mirror of your thought energy. When your desires are set forth in this way, each intention is qualified by the propelling force of love’s intelligence.

As we come to recognize Divine Will as the guiding principle of our entire existence, it is much easier to graciously surrender all attachment to the limited workings of the will of the personality. We humbly realize that of our own selves we can do nothing, it is our greater Presence that orchestrates it all.

When the thought of the Divine is held while carrying out our daily life activities, this supreme energy percolates into our personality. It starts expressing in our actions, feelings, and speech. Our synthesis with this greater will momentum gives us incredible ability to magnetize and to accomplish as one with the pure, illuminating spirit of all life. This evolved expression, where there is no judgment or separation, is the ascending consciousness.

The actualization of free will transference is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves in this lifetime. It’s all so simple. God is simple. All we have to do is to let go. Let go of who you think you need to be or become. Let go of all assumptions about what you are supposed to be doing. Through the act of surrender, you unveil what you already are. By letting go, you are reclaiming your core divinity.

With surrender also comes acceptance. This means to accept yourself through the simplification. It is okay to be simple. This might sound strange, but it can be quite challenging to shift the mental conditioning away from the idea that you must do everything yourself. Let it be okay to give up. Let it be okay to remove yourself from the intensity of the formidable edge, created by all of the personality desires.

Through the surrender, you will soon discover unending opportunity. Life becomes one of non-stop opening door. This is because the stalwart guard of the desirous free will is now out of the way.

What is of key importance is the need to calm down the misaligned personal desire. Personal desire comes from the will of the personality. Essentially, desire is a driving energy that arises from the ego’s need to remain in control in the material world. Its view is dense and limited. Divine Will influences us from the unseen realms of light. It travels multidimensionally, transforming every level of our existence and all the energies it contacts.

You may call Divine Will into your life to assist you in fulfilling a particular desire. When it comes to you, however, Divine Will always supersedes the will of the personality. It may or may not fulfill that desire. That is perfectly okay because we are not able to absolutely know what is in our highest good.

It is important to recognize that Divine Will simply becomes your will. When this fused alignment is sustained, your inner promptings start reflecting your highest purpose and the divine plan for your life. It is a process of constant recalibration. You are constantly shifting away from the free will desires of the ego.

As you draw in Divine Will, it becomes easier and easier to know what you need to do. Divine Will comes with its supportive streams of energy to assist you in carrying out the actions that seem indicated.

Do not expect that you will be “taken over” by Divine Will and that suddenly everything will work in your life without your needing to do anything. You are still living on a planet of free will and are learning how to choose and discern for your higher good. You are the physical vessel that must take action and carry out the inner directions that are emerging.

Have some form of regular spiritual practice that helps to keep you aligned to this idea of the “greater you” and the currents of Divine Will.



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